Configuring AD Authentication
Onepoint can be accessed through the AD users, below you will have step by step how this configuration is done.
NOTE: To perform this configuration it is necessary the LDAPS enabled.
Directory Backend
1- In Onepoint, go to Settings > Backends.
2- Click New.
3– Select type Directory Backend, Select Class LDAP/AD , Name: ad-”domain”.
4- In parameters, fill in the settings with the DC data.
{ "address": "", "authentication": { "type": "explicit", "encryption": "none", "userdn": "[email protected]", "password": "********" }, "basedn": "dc=onepoint,dc=local", "query": { "computer": { "filter": "(&(objectcategory=computer)(name=${}))", "ou": "", "id_attribute": "cn" }, "user": { "filter": "(&(objectcategory=user)(samaccountname=${}))", "ou": "", "id_attribute": "samaccountname" }, "group": { "filter": "(&(objectcategory=group)(samaccountname=${}))", "ou": "", "id_attribute": "samaccountname" } } }
NOTE:The information above is demonstrative, filling has to be done according to the information of your domain.
- After having performed the configurations shown above click on save.
5- The userdn password can be encrypted, so that others do not know what the password is.
- In Onepoint, go to Settings > Encrypt String for encrypting, “password” and save the resulting value.
- In Onepoint, go to Settings > Backends, edit “Directory Backend” In Parameters tab, edit the encryption field for password, in the password field paste the previously encrypted value.
- Click save after making the settings.
Authentication Backend
1- In Onepoint, go to Settings > Backends.
2- Click New.
3- Select type Authentication Backend, Select Class LDAP/AD, Name: ad-“domain”-auth
4- In parameters, fill in the settings with the DC data.
{ "directory_backend": "ad-domain", "address": "ldaps://", "usermapping": { "type": "resolution", "replace": "cn=${username},ou=People,dc=domain,dc=com", "resolution": { "authentication": { "type": "auth", "encryption": "none", "userdn": "user@domain", "password": "*****" }, "basedn": "dc=onepoint,dc=local", "condition": "(&(objectCategory=user)(samaccountname=${username}))" } } }
NOTE:The information above is demonstrative, filling has to be done according to the information of your domain.
- after having performed the configurations shown above click on save.
5- The userdn password can be encrypted, so that others do not know what the password is.
- In Onepoint, go to Settings > Encrypt String for encrypting, “password” and save the resulting value.
- In Onepoint, go to Settings > Backends, edit “Authentication Backend” In Parameters tab, edit the encryption field for password, in the password field paste the previously encrypted value.
- Click save after making the settings.
AD login priority.
To make login at onepoint a priority with AD, perform the procedures below.
1- In Onepoint, go to Settings > System Properties.
2- Click New.
3- Define the Name: system.default.backend.authentication.ui, Value:ad-“domain”-auth.
4- Click save property.
5- Onepoint log off, note the Authentication Backend field on the home screen.
6- To test if it happened, enter the onepoint with an ad user.